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Exclusive Interview With Miss Cameroon 2015 Jessica Ngoua

Every model and beauty queen each have their own story, everyone has their own signature style and personality. As a beauty queen you want to be remembered in a positive way. –


   Every model and beauty queen each have their own story, everyone has their own signature style and personality. As a beauty queen you want to be remembered in a positive way. 

Being the new Miss Cameroon 2015, Jessica Ngoua is a rare pearl and she said she wants her stay as Miss Cameroon to be memorable and impacting to other people. We had an amazing interview with the vibrant and talented, Beauty queen, As she talks about her life as the new Miss Cameroon and her future plans and how she’s preparing for  Miss World.


Glow MOnAT: HI Jessica, Please can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Jessica Ngoua: Hello my name is Jessica Ngoua Nseme, I am a masters student i in event and advertising communication at the University of Douala.

GM: What are your origins.

JN: I am originally from Cameroon Wouri people of great Sawa Group. I am the 5th in a family of eight

GM: When did you start modeling.
JN: I am interested in the world of beauty contests since last year, in 2014. I had the opportunity to participate in a beauty contest "Miss Supranational “ from which I went out with the title of 2nd runner up.

GM: how did you feel when you were called as the winner of Miss Cameroon 2015?


JN: When I have heard my name, which sounded in the room such as "Miss Cameroon 2015," I was overwhelmed with emotion; I wanted  to jump in joy ceilings,crying and also needed  to lay on my  bed and sleep because I was so exhausted.

               GM: Did you know you were going to win?

JN: Absolutely not, I hoped, like other candidates, but I did not really imagined that my dream would come true

GM: Would you say you were outstanding from the other competitors?

JN: No, I would not say that; I would simply say  that the jury must have had a very difficult choice to make, but this choice was needed. that was the reason for our presence  that night at the congress hall: Crowning a new Queen.
GM: How do you intend to gain the credits of many Cameroonians out there?

JN:  I think to reinforce the conviction of  Cameroonians that already support me and those who do not already do so through the actions that I will carry in my mandate.

GM: What motivates you everyday?

JN: What motivates me every day these are all the persons who support me, all the people who work around me.

GM: How are you preparing for Miss World?

JN: I am preparing fine, walk training, speaking and event my talent. As we are talking about this,I encourage all readers to support me  through liking my facebook page "Miss World Cameroon



GM: What are your expectations for this competition?
JN:  I sincerely hope I can bring the crown to Cameroon, as far as possible in this competition
GM: As a beauty queen we know you will have some health and fashion Do’s and Don’ts will you love to share with us?
JN: (Laughs) Of course I can share with you ..I am not strictly speaking as a "fashionista" but in my humble level I can already assure you that I never wear brown with red .But I advise all wearing bright colored clothing … it’s beautiful with our warm climate.
GM: What would you say have become of the modeling industry in Cameroon?
JN: The Cameroonian modeling industry for me is still embryonic, but I am sure that with hard work and good will, we can make it as attractive and lucrative field than all other industries.
GM: Apart from being a beauty queen what else keeps you busy.
JN: Before being a beauty queen, I was already a student and I still for a semester. But apart from that, I’m also a big sister, I take care of the maintenance of the house, the kitchen and I work a lot on environmental and social projects that I put forward to the final evening.

GM: Do you still have the same friends you use to have before being a Miss?
JN: Yes, Yes I have the same friends, I haven’t abandoned anybody. I had the chance to make new but the core team remains the same.

GM: If you were asked to name your top 5 Camer artists who will be in the list?
JN: Manu Dibango, Richard Bona, CHARLOTTE DIPANDA, X Maleya, Jovi, Lab’l, Annie Anzouer … oohh just 5 ?? (laughs)
GM: Do you wear our home base designers wear?
JN: Yes of course, I ‘m wearing products "made in 237," Maurice Leroy, Sandy Dynamics, Tyga, L & C stitching … and so many others ..

GM: One last word to your fans ?
JN: Yes of course, I am very grateful for all your support and I still say thank you, thanks to you that I know that anything is possible, and above all do not forget to LIKE the Facebook page "Miss World Cameroon".

Thanks so much Miss for the interview and please do not forget to like the Miss World Cameroon facebook page at and keep voting! 
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Photo credit William Nsai, Notaboo and Patrick Nelle


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Written by MagCamerfeeling

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